Lost connection to MySQL server during query
QUERY: SELECT /*+ MAX_EXECUTION_TIME(1000) */ * FROM sd_cache_FR WHERE strName = "waycount_FR_decf8e5b85343b10434665e90c6f36db"
MySQL server has gone away
QUERY: SELECT COUNT(*) AS c FROM sd_waysFR WHERE intRegion IN(76910)
MySQL server has gone away
QUERY: SELECT /*+ MAX_EXECUTION_TIME(1000) */ * FROM sd_cache_FR WHERE strName = "regiowaycountX76910"
MySQL server has gone away
QUERY: SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COUNT(*) AS c FROM sd_waysFR WHERE fltLat <= 43.0276 AND fltLat >= 41.3332 AND fltLon >= 8.53472 AND fltLon <= 9.56036
MySQL server has gone away
QUERY: SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, COUNT(*) as c , (6371* acos( cos( radians(42.0682) ) * cos( radians( fltLat ) ) * cos( radians( fltLon ) - radians(8.99803) ) + sin( radians(42.0682) ) * sin(radians(fltLat)) ) ) as dx FROM sd_citiesFR WHERE (intParent = 76910 OR (fltLat >= 42.0682 - 0.05 AND fltLat <= 42.0682 + 0.05 AND fltLon >= 8.99803 - 0.05 AND fltLon <= 8.99803 + 0.05)) AND intID != 76910 AND intID != 76910 AND intParent != 0 HAVING intParent = 76910 OR dx<10
MySQL server has gone away
QUERY: SELECT /*+ MAX_EXECUTION_TIME(1000) */ * FROM sd_cache WHERE strName = "FRfrrandRegionBoxB"
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MySQL server has gone away
QUERY: SELECT /*+ MAX_EXECUTION_TIME(1000) */ * FROM sd_cache WHERE strName = "FRfrrandRegionBox10"
Vous êtes ici sur le page de Corse. Corse se trouve dans le Sud-est de France. Les 111 codes postaux de de la région vont de 20000 de 20900.
MySQL server has gone away
QUERY: SELECT intID as c FROM sd_countries WHERE strCC = "FR"
Recherche StreetDir.org...
MySQL server has gone away